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【目的】本文对危害合欢Albizia julibrissin Durazz的钻蛀性害虫合欢吉丁Agrilus subrobustus Saunders各虫态形态特征及危害特性进行了研究与描述,深入探索其虫道三维结构,以期为合欢吉丁的发生监测及防治提供依据。【方法】查阅相关文献,记述整理了合欢吉丁学名的变化过程,详细地观察并描述了剖腹卵、幼虫、蛹、成虫的形态特征;首次研究总结其坑道系统的各指标特点:虫口密度、坑道长宽、侵入孔特征、蛹室特征、羽化孔特征等,明确了完整虫道的发生发展规律;基于坑道拍照、各向量指标测量,对坑道进行科学手绘,使用Autodesk Maya软件完成合欢吉丁完整虫道的三维重建。【结果】合欢吉丁幼虫细长、乳白色,蛹为裸蛹。成虫铜绿色具金属光泽,观察对比其前胸背板长宽比、盘区和肩前隆脊形态,前胸腹板突形状,鞘翅柔毛分布位置,阳茎形态等特征,结合文献,明确其学名为Agrilus subrobustus Saunders。合欢吉丁主要危害树干韧皮部及木质部,具向阳性;在树皮下钻蛀坑道,侵入孔圆形,不超过1 mm;蛹室米粒状,多位于木质部,少数位于韧皮部;羽化孔"D"型;坑道形状具有规律性,可分为3种:"Z"字型及其变型,密集上下迂回型,椭圆或近半圆型坑道。【结论】基于形态特征的详细描述、学名厘定,有利于合欢吉丁的鉴定及学名的正确使用;完整虫道的复原便于在非成虫期结合寄主种类鉴定害虫种类、评估虫口密度和危害程度,为合欢吉丁的监测提供了具体的判别方法,为化学防治、生物防治等提供参考与技术支持。  相似文献   
A well‐written application for funding in support of basic biological or biomedical research or individual training fellowship requires that the author perform several functions well. They must (i) identify an important topic, (ii) provide a brief but persuasive introduction to highlight its significance, (iii) identify one or two key questions that if answered would impact the field, (iv) present a series of logical experiments and convince the reader that the approaches are feasible, doable within a certain period of time and have the potential to answer the questions posed, and (v) include citations that demonstrate both scholarship and an appropriate command of the relevant literature and techniques involved in the proposed research study. In addition, preparation of any compelling application requires formal scientific writing and editing skills that are invaluable in any career. These are also all key components in a doctoral dissertation and encompass many of the skills that we expect graduate students to master. Almost 20 years ago, we began a grant writing course as a mechanism to train students in these specific skills. Here, we describe the use of this course in training of our graduate students as well as our experiences and lessons learned.  相似文献   
董彩虹 《菌物学报》2016,(4):369-374
作为名贵传统药材,冬虫夏草的研究方兴未艾。无性型的确定、学名的变更和"一种真菌一个名称"确定了冬虫夏草菌为Ophiocordyceps sinensis;独特的分布、悠久的历史、公众的认可及地方经济的重要作用等被推荐为"国菌";"虫草产业发展金湖宣言"从产、学、研倡议"尊重科学、利好产业"的发展思路。随着科学研究深入和产业技术发展,冬虫夏草培植获得成功。本专刊对冬虫夏草培植相关基础研究和关键技术进行了总结,对寄主昆虫选育及规模化饲养关键技术到冬虫夏草菌菌种筛选、侵染途径和培植以及培植产品与野生冬虫夏草化学成分和蛋白质谱比较等进行了论述。冬虫夏草培植的成功,不论从科学还是产业的角度,都具有里程碑式的意义。  相似文献   
The Crime Lab Project takes an economical, hands-on, interdisciplinary approach to studying the career of forensics in the middle or high school classroom. The project requires a week of class time, uses common household items, can be applied to students with different levels of ability, and is considered durable. In addition, the project covers topics that address national science standards such as career development, the scientific method, lab procedures, teamwork, and scientific literary skills. Students also learn to distinguish between observations and conclusions.  相似文献   
Scientific inquiry requires the replication of results in experimental studies. Recent studies draw a severe picture on the need of replication and the difficulties in replicating already published studies. As replicated confirmation of results is the basis of scientific and medical research, there may be a need to introduce the topic of replication to students. In an experiment, 5th grade students tested the effect of yeast addition on biomass increase in mealworm larvae. Each student took care of one larva on flour and one larva on flour + yeast (in total n = 30 larvae per treatment) in separate small boxes. After the experiment, students discussed the results of their two larvae. Subsequent pooling of the data in class showed a high degree of variation. When asked why replication in this experiment was important, students revealed a generally good epistemic understanding of the issue of replication and offered several explanations for why replication matters in experimentation.  相似文献   
珠三角地区科技创新与生态环境的耦合协调发展研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田立涛  王少剑 《生态学报》2022,42(15):6381-6394
探究科技创新与生态环境之间的耦合协调关系,是当前我国高质量发展过程中亟待解决的关键问题。通过探讨科技创新与生态环境的耦合协调机制,构建两者的综合评价指标体系,借助物理学耦合协调度模型定量测算2007-2018年珠三角地区科技创新与生态环境的耦合协调度,并对其时空演化特征进行探讨分析。结果表明:珠三角各市的科技创新综合指数与生态环境综合指数均呈现不断上升的趋势,且两者耦合度、耦合协调度也呈现出由低水平向高水平的演进特征。在空间分布上,珠三角地区科技创新与生态环境的耦合协调度呈现出以珠江入海口城市"广深佛莞"为中心,向两侧递减的空间格局。在作用类型上,珠三角多数城市在2007年的科技创新能力起到明显地滞后作用,但随着时间的推移,城市创新能力不断增强,与生态环境之间达到基本协调,甚至高级协调水平;而肇庆市发展相对缓慢,仍处于"基本失调-科技创新受阻型"。以区域高质量发展为引领,通过加大创新要素投入、控制污染物排放、合理布局生态用地等方法提高生态创新,有助于未来珠三角实现科技创新与生态环境协调可持续发展。  相似文献   
In controlled human infection (CHI) studies, investigators deliberately infect healthy individuals with pathogens in order to study mechanisms of disease or obtain preliminary efficacy data on investigational vaccines and medicines. CHI studies offer a fast and cost-effective way of generating new scientific insights, prioritizing investigational products for clinical testing, and reducing the risk that large numbers of people are exposed to ineffective or harmful substances in research or in practice. Yet depending on the pathogen, CHI studies can involve significant risks or burdens for participants, pose risks to individuals or communities not involved in the research, and lead to public controversy. It is therefore essential to ensure that the risks of CHI studies are justified by their social value—that is, their potential to generate benefits for society—and that public trust can be maintained. In this paper, we aim to clarify how research sponsors, research ethics committees and other reviewers should judge the social value of CHI studies. We develop a list of relevant considerations for making social value judgments based on the standard view of social value. We then use this list to discuss the example of potentially conducting dengue virus CHI studies in endemic settings. We argue that dengue virus CHI studies in endemic settings would fall on the higher end of the spectrum of social value, mostly because of their potential to redirect all fields of future dengue research. Drawing on this discussion, we derive several general recommendations for how reviewers should judge the social value of CHI studies.  相似文献   
The concept of relevance is an obvious component in the success of classroom science investigations, but it is also one of the tenets behind the numerous media advertisements that bombard our senses on a daily basis. The authors decided to capitalize on the similarities between process-based science and the world of advertising by initiating consumer protection investigations with a side venture into the commercial world of Madison Avenue. Advertisers use many strategies in an attempt to convince consumers to buy their products. By analyzing the strategies used in a sales pitch, one begins to recognize that data can be manipulated, facts can be skewed, and visuals can be controlled to enhance product performance. Such analyses require students to look deeper and seek answers beyond the surface of presented information, superficial declarations, visual discrepancies, and verbal innuendo. In other words, such analysis is all about deciphering claims and evidence, making it analogous to science. The antithesis of this procedure, synthesizing a sales campaign for a real or imagined product, is the application of these process skills. In sum, if students can create a successful advertising campaign by using their data, then they understand the art of data manipulation and may, therefore, become better consumers.  相似文献   
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